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Bot de Discord
Clan Badge

Ghost Legion

Solo invitación
Liga de Cristal III 18.680 21.629 0 Siempre 129 6 27
Guerras de clanes
Diseño de bases

🍀 Established 13th May 2020

Ghost Legion is a strong, competitive war clan. We focus on getting big war streaks and perfect wars.

All our war base designs are made by expert base builders and are extensively and routinely tested for their effectiveness. All our members are taught how to use attack strategies that suit them. We will teach you how you can improve your attacks and, for those who need it, we can show you the fundamental attacking ideas, which overlap with multiple armies. We will set you up to be a strong attacker as you progress through the higher TH levels.

Our team uses heavy communication through Discord. We have a Discord server that makes use of the best Discord bots to give us the biggest advantages in wars. If you are interested in joining us, then join our Discord server to start!

Discord Link: https://discord.gg/wr7Nvzp3gw

We want players to be contactable through Discord and eager to learn whilst showing reasonable activity. We have no donation requirements and our server facilitates a system to alert members if donations have been waiting for long periods of time.

We want the game to be fun whilst aiming for the best results too.

Reputación 160

Guerras de clanes
34 Voto positivo
27 Voto positivo
21 Voto positivo
13 Voto positivo
Diseño de bases
12 Voto positivo
Liga de las guerras de clanes
11 Voto positivo
11 Voto positivo