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Discord Bot

Players Nice and Tidy Ranking

Remove X obstacles (trees, rocks, bushes)

51-100 / 500
NameClanNice and Tidy
51 14,309
52 14,280
53 14,265
54 14,235
55 14,231
56 14,222
57 14,219
58 14,168
59 14,154
60 14,153
61 14,100
62 14,097
63 14,003
64 13,971
65 13,935
66 13,924
67 13,889
68 13,882
69 13,783
70 13,688
71 13,684
72 13,667
73 13,662
74 13,564
75 13,553
76 13,540
77 13,468
78 13,454
79 13,450
80 13,442
81 13,434
82 13,432
83 13,397
84 13,362
85 13,360
86 13,346
87 13,294
88 13,268
89 13,264
90 13,262
91 13,245
92 13,234
93 13,217
94 13,192
95 13,180
96 13,178
97 13,160
98 13,131
99 13,113
100 13,105
51-100 / 500